[IronPython] PyCon Python and .NET Open Spaces

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Mar 4 17:01:45 CET 2008

Hello all,

Feihong Hsu, who is speaking at PyCon on Python.NET, is organising a 
'Python and .NET' open spaces event. This is for IronPython and 
Python.NET users and anyone interested in Python and .NET.


It is too early to book a definite room/time - but he is thinking about 
Saturday night (March 14) from 7:00 to 8:30.

See you there!

He is also keen (and I think that it is an excellent idea), that as many 
people as possible involved in Python and .NET do lightning talks. I 
will be attempting to get together a lightning talk on the Resolver 
Systems 'Ironclad' project.


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