[IronPython] Importing on another Thread

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Jul 2 18:40:51 CEST 2008

Dan Eloff wrote:
>> Does it work if you do the imports normally?
> Yes. I should have mentioned that these same modules are all imported
> successfully on the main thread (but that they still fail to import in
> the background if I comment that out)
>> Out of interest, why?
> Most of my startup time is spent importing, I think I may be able to
> shave 30% off that if I can do some of the imports on a background
> thread (stdlib modules, some supporting packages.) Of course there
> would be no performance improvement on a single core machine, but
> those are becoming rarer every day.

I mean why are you using '__import__'?

Does your background importer code work when run on the main thread? Can 
you show the actual failure message rather than just printing that they 
failed to import?


> -Dan
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