[IronPython] help: ironpy 1.1.1: clr.Reference(Array[str]) works in interactive mode but not in script

Liwei Peng liwei.peng at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 01:16:16 CEST 2008

Hi Iron python team,

I have trouble when using *clr.Reference(Array[str]…)*  in the following
python script. When I ran the script line by line under interactive mode
ipy.exe, no issue is found. When I ran it with "ipy.exe a.py", I got the
following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File d:\tools\IronPython-1.1.1\a.py, line 12, in Initialize

  File , line 0, in NonDefaultNew##12

  File , line 0, in .ctor##14

# ironpython 1.1.1. how to run: ipy.exe a.py


import sys

import clr

import System

argarray = System.Array[str](sys.argv)

# the following doesn't work when running in a python script.

# it works from interactive ipy.exe

*argarrayref = clr.Reference[ System.Array[str] ]( argarray )*

My OS: W2k8 x64 server.

Can you help on the issue? Thanks,

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