[IronPython] Please help me out its very urgent

Praveen Kumar praveen at mahiti.org
Tue Feb 12 06:31:09 CET 2008

I am new for Ironpython for ASP.net, earlier i was using only Visual studio
2005 and struggling with to read excel file without M$ Excel object, bt i
could nt get any other object which could read excel sheet. But suddenly i
got one
Lingfo – Python "xlrd" package for extracting data from Excel files – 0.6.1final
which can read successfully excel sheet as i desired.but the problem is i
dont knw hw can i use with IronPython Asp.net(Microsoft IronPython for
ASP.NET). i have seperately installed Python2.4..
i tried with python2.4 its working failrly.while installing xlrd it
automatically search D:\Python24\, there were no option to configure it nad
installed  in D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\.
Then i copy the XLRD package and paste C:\Program Files\Microsoft IronPython
for ASP.NET\Lib\site-packages\
and wrote the python script ExcelModule.py

class readexcel(object):
    def __init__(self,filename):
        """ Returns a readexcel object of the specified filename - this may
take a little while because the file must be parsed into memory """
        import sys
        from xlrd import *
        print dir(xlrd)
        return printed
        import os.path
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise NameError, "%s is not a valid filename" % filename
        self.__filename__ = filename
        self.__book__ = xlrd.open_workbook(filename)
        self.__sheets__ = {}
        self.__sheetnames__ = []
        for i in self.__book__.sheet_names():
            uniquevars = []
            firstrow = 0
            sheet = self.__book__.sheet_by_name(i)
            for row in range(sheet.nrows):
                types,values = sheet.row_types(row),sheet.row_values(row)
                nonblank = False
                for j in values:
                    if j != '':
                if nonblank:
                    # Generate a listing of Unique Variable Names for Use as
                    # Dictionary Keys In Extraction. Duplicate Names will
                    # be replaced with "F#"
                    variables = self.__formatrow__(types,values,False)
                    unknown = 1
                    while variables:
                        var = variables.pop(0)
                        if var in uniquevars or var == '':
                            var = 'F' + str(unknown)
                            unknown += 1
                    firstrow = row + 1


    def getiter(self, sheetname, returnlist=False, returntupledate=False):
        """ Return an generator object which yields the lines of a
        Default returns a dictionary, specifing returnlist=True causes lists
        to be returned.  Calling returntupledate=True causes dates to
        as tuples of (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Second) instead of as a
        string """
        if sheetname not in self.__sheets__.keys():
            raise NameError, "%s is not present in %s" % (sheetname,\
        if returnlist:
            return __iterlist__(self, sheetname, returntupledate)
            return __iterdict__(self, sheetname, returntupledate)
    def worksheets(self):
        """ Returns a list of the Worksheets in the Excel File """
        return self.__sheetnames__
    def nrows(self, worksheet):
        """ Return the number of rows in a worksheet """
        return self.__sheets__[worksheet]['rows']
    def ncols(self, worksheet):
        """ Return the number of columns in a worksheet """
        return self.__sheets__[worksheet]['cols']
    def variables(self,worksheet):
        """ Returns a list of Column Names in the file,
            assuming a tabular format of course. """
        return self.__sheets__[worksheet]['variables']
    def __formatrow__(self, types, values, wanttupledate):
        """ Internal function used to clean up the incoming excel data """
        ##  Data Type Codes:
        ##  EMPTY 0
        ##  TEXT 1 a Unicode string
        ##  NUMBER 2 float
        ##  DATE 3 float
        ##  BOOLEAN 4 int; 1 means TRUE, 0 means FALSE
        ##  ERROR 5
        #import xlrd
        returnrow = []
        for i in range(len(types)):
            type,value = types[i],values[i]
            if type == 2:
                if value == int(value):
                    value = int(value)
            elif type == 3:
                datetuple = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value,
                if wanttupledate:
                    value = datetuple
                    # time only no date component
                    if datetuple[0] == 0 and datetuple[1] == 0 and \
                       datetuple[2] == 0:
                        value = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % datetuple[3:]
                    # date only, no time
                    elif datetuple[3] == 0 and datetuple[4] == 0 and \
                         datetuple[5] == 0:
                        value = "%04d/%02d/%02d" % datetuple[:3]
                    else: # full date
                        value = "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % datetuple
            elif type == 5:
                value = xlrd.error_text_from_code[value]
        return returnrow

    def __iterlist__(excel, sheetname, tupledate):
        """ Function Used To Create the List Iterator """
        sheet = excel.__book__.sheet_by_name(sheetname)
        for row in range(excel.__sheets__[sheetname]['rows']):
            types,values = sheet.row_types(row),sheet.row_values(row)
            yield excel.__formatrow__(types, values, tupledate)

    def __iterdict__(excel, sheetname, tupledate):
        """ Function Used To Create the Dictionary Iterator """
        sheet = excel.__book__.sheet_by_name(sheetname)
        for row in range(excel.__sheets__[sheetname]['firstrow'],\
            types,values = sheet.row_types(row),sheet.row_values(row)
            formattedrow = excel.__formatrow__(types, values, tupledate)
        # Pad a Short Row With Blanks if Needed
        for i in range(len(formattedrow),\

and in default.aspx.py

import System
import clr
from System.Data import *
from System.Web import *
from System.Web.UI import *
#from IronPython.Hosting import PythonEngine
from clr import *
import SampleModule
import sys
#import SampleModule2
#import ExcelModule
#from ExcelModule import readexcel
from SampleModule import SampleClass
from SampleModule import readexcel
if sys.version.startswith("IronPython"):
    # print >> sys.stderr, "...importing encodings"
    import encodings
#sys.path.extend([r,'C:\Program Files\Microsoft IronPython for
Files\Micrsoft IronPython for ASP.NET\Lib',r'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft
IronPython forASP.NET\\lib\\site-packages',r'D:\\python24\\lib',])
import xlrd as ebook
book = ebook.open_workbook('D:\my.xls', encoding_override="none")
#book=xlrd.open_workbook("C:\Program Files\Microsoft IronPython for

def Page_Load():
def _PrivateMethod(text):
    lblPrivate.Text="private %s" %text
def PublicMethod(text):
    lblPublic.Text="public %s" %text
def Private_Click(sender,args):
def Button1_Click(sender, args):
    ss = readexcel(dir);
    print ss
book = xlrd.open_workbook('D:\my.xls', encoding_override="cp1252")
    #sc = SampleClass()
       #sc.TestString = TextBox1.Text
    #Label1.Text = sc.TestString
    #values = {'string': 'Hello World'}
    #mod = py.CreateModule('__main__', values, True)
    #py.DefaultModule = mod
    #script = "print string"

error-- value can not be null


please any one can help me out how can i use xlrd module in Microsoft visual
studio 2005 with IronPython(i installed IronPython with Microsoft.net CTP)

Praveen Kumar
Mahiti Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
# 33-34, Hennur Cross
Hennur Main Road
Bangalore, India - 560043
Mobile:  +91 9343297314
Phone:  +91 80 4148 5080/1  41150580/1
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