[IronPython] Exporting Python code as an assembly

Curt Hagenlocher curt at hagenlocher.org
Tue Feb 5 22:29:04 CET 2008

On Feb 5, 2008 1:24 PM, Tim Riley <riltim at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was testing out the code provided and when I tested it using the
> example I got the following error.
> [snip]
> IOError: Could not add reference to assembly xunit.dll

Sorry, you need xunit for that -- it's not part of IronPython.  Xunit
is a kind of "next generation NUnit" for unit testing, and I recommend
it highly.  You can find it at http://www.codeplex.com/xunit

Curt Hagenlocher
curt at hagenlocher.org

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