[IronPython] Help contents

Hernán Martínez Foffani hernan.martinez at ecc.es
Mon Dec 15 19:45:38 CET 2008

It seems clear now, thank you.

Reading DocBuilder.cs:GetXPathDocument(..) I assume that if I want
to let our users to be able to get IP console help on our own C#
libraries, we can place the XML docs in a culture subdirectory under
the DLLs install directory, right?

> This is generated from the XML document that lives adjacent to the
> assembly containing the code.  For instance, mscorlib is typically
> located someplace like
> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorlib.dll, so the
> XML file is taken from
> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\en\mscorlib.xml
> (assuming CurrentCulture is English).
> The source code for this can be found in DocBuilder.cs
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 4:52 AM, Hernán Martínez Foffani
> <hernan.martinez at ecc.es> wrote:
> Where does IP find the help content for .NET libraries?
> I mean, for instance, the output of
>  >>> help(System.DateTime.ToBoolean)
> Does it parse the Help.2 files? If so where does it look
> for them? Only under "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\{Program Data}\Microsoft
> Help"?

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