[IronPython] Welcome David DiCato

Shri Borde Shri.Borde at microsoft.com
Sat Dec 6 01:06:30 CET 2008

Please welcome David DiCato to the IronPython team. He has his first shelveset in the Snap queue (queue.__init__ calls clear) already. You should hopefully hear more from him in the mailing list. Here is his intro in his own words.

Hi everyone, I'm David DiCato, the new Dev on the IronPython team. I grew up in Surf City (i.e. Huntington Beach, CA) and moved just 50 miles north to go to school in Pasadena. At Caltech, I earned my BS in Computer Science, applied to Microsoft after a short break, and the rest is history. Although I have never touched a surf board, I like to dabble in snowboarding, as well as piano, guitar and biking, although I'm good at none of these things. I'm also a big fan of music, incl. classic rock, punk and electronic, and film, incl. Kubrick, Hitchcock and Scorsese.


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