[IronPython] Calling functions in IronPython that don't really exist

Jeff Slutter jslutter at reactorzero.com
Fri Dec 5 06:32:20 CET 2008

I have found another way that better suits what I'm trying to do (and

In a nutshell, I just add the function to the builtins. Here is the code:

// some member function, etc.
delegate int DoDelegate();
private int DoFunc()
  return 10;

//... in the IronPython initialization, after the scripting engine has
been created ...

ScriptScope builtins = Python.GetBuiltinModule(m_engine);
builtins.SetVariable("SomeTestFunction", new DoDelegate(DoFunc));

now, in the Python scripts I can call:


Simple problem and solution, but I just wanted a way to dynamically add
new functions to Python with names that I control.

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