[IronPython] IP 2: Execute multiple expression in different scopes

Christian Schmidt christian2.schmidt at gmx.de
Tue Aug 19 16:50:02 CEST 2008

Hi Dody,

thanks for your patience.

> delegate System.Int32 FunctionProcess(System.Int32[] parameters)
> This assumes that your Python implement will only do integer operation. 
> If you are going to use the delegate for generic holder of arguments, 
> don't forget to cast
> for example:
> delegate object FunctionProcess(object[] parametser)
> python = @"
> def myItems(myParams)
>     val1 = Int(myParams[1])
>     val2 = Int(myParams[2])
>     return val1 + val2
> "
> You pretty much need to take care of the conversion. I don't think 
> "*params object[]* "is supported on the hosting DLR because IronPython 
> doesn't support this construct.

I'd say in python this is def f(*arg) and def f(**dict), or not?

Probably I need the "params object[]"-approach, because I'll use the 
argument's name and not index.

The question is, how a PythonFunction can be casted to a delegate of a 
certain type or if that is not possible, how can the PythonFunction be 
called from C#?


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