[IronPython] Standard Library Inclusion - C Extension Modules

Curt Hagenlocher curt at hagenlocher.org
Thu Aug 7 22:17:23 CEST 2008

I had a brief discussion about this with Harry and want to add a few things.

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 7:26 AM, Curt Hagenlocher <curt at hagenlocher.org> wrote:
> Seo's example is a simpler one.  Harry is working on is getting legal
> approval for accepting community contributions into the modules.  Once
> that's done (no ETA, I'm afraid), Seo would sign a contributor
> agreement and we could include his pyexpat compatibility shim.

There's another approach that would allow us to accept this code
today.  If Seo contributes this back to the PSF, we can pick it up
from the CPython codebase.  The change could be implemented by
modifying test\test_pyexpat.py and xml\parsers\expat.py and using "if
sys.platform == 'cli'" as needed.  I don't know how open the PSF will
be to this, but we intend to make similar submissions once *that*
particular project makes it through legal...

> The sqlite example is more complicated for two reasons:
> 1) There wouldn't be any point in doing it unless we could distribute
> the referenced third-party project as well.  This probably gives Harry
> the opportunity for a whole new round of quality time with lawyers.

The chances of this happening are extremely small.  If someone wants
to contribute _sqlite code that they wrote themselves, we'll be happy
to take it when we're ready for contributions.  But accepting
third-party code into the distribution is a different can of worms
that we're not interested in tackling at this time.

There's nothing to prevent this from being implemented as an external
community project, though.

Curt Hagenlocher
curt at hagenlocher.org

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