[IronPython] Roadmap and updates

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Aug 5 12:36:56 CEST 2008

Giles Thomas wrote:
> Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
>> Until then, you can always do what I understand Resolver Systems did: 
>> save your forms as C# and manually copy the generated code into your 
>> Python classes.  The initialization code is so generic and 
>> predictable that you don't have to do much more than lop the 
>> semicolons off the ends of the lines.
> Not quite - we generate C# base classes from Visual Studio, then write 
> IronPython subclasses to add the behaviour.
This means that we can always edit the forms in the designer - and 
because the generated code is in C# no-one feels tempted to tinker with 
it... As Giles says, all the actual behaviour is implemented in Python - 
we just use the designer for the layout.


> Cheers,
> Giles


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