[IronPython] Using a c library as a dll or assembly

Anders Elfgren anders.elfgren at avalanchestudios.se
Fri Aug 1 16:36:57 CEST 2008

I've got a bit more figured out I think. I think I've got ahold of the
function (although since I haven't been able to run it yet, I'm not
The function I'm going to call is
UInt32 HashString(SByte*)
Where the argument is a string, but the problem is that it wants it as
an SByte*, and I'm not sure how to convert a System.String to that. I'm
guessing that TypeConverter can do the trick for me, but I'm not sure
how to use it. I'm also not sure how to use the Invoke method, so any
help here is greatly appreciated!
Here's my ugly magic:

import clr

ass = clr.References[3]
module = ass.GetModules()[0]
hashfunc = module.GetMethod("HashString") ###  This is the function I
want to call

import System
from System.ComponentModel import TypeConverter

strArray = System.Array[str](["String"])
sbyte = TypeConverter.ConvertTo( ### WHAT GOES HERE? ### )
h = hashfunc.Invoke( None, strArray )  ### Is this the correct way to
call it? h should be an int after this.
I'm not sure why I can access HashString, but not many of the other
functions that exist in the dll. The AdfDll.def file doesn't seem to do
anything - but then I'm using /CLR so maybe that explains it.


From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com
[mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Anders Elfgren
Sent: den 1 augusti 2008 13:25
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Using a c library as a dll or assembly

Hi, thanks for the comments!
In this case, I'm not trying to access a class, just a simple function
that takes a string (char* ) and returns an int. I was hoping that would
make it easier. 
I've compiled the dll with /CLR and I can load it like this:
import clr
However, I still can't access anything inside it. Do I need to do
something more? (if I try to load a dll that doesn't exist I get an
error, so I'm assuming that there's not a problem with my dll). I've
tried adding an import but I just get No module named AdfDll_R.
The function is declared as:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
uint32   AdfHash(const char *str);

But when I try to call it, it doesn't work:
NameError: name 'AdfHash' not defined
I'm exporting the functions using a def file that looks (pretty much)
like this:
; from Adf.h
I'm using IronPython 1.1.1, but if it helps I'll be glad to change to
another version. 


From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com
[mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Curt
Sent: den 31 juli 2008 20:21
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Using a c library as a dll or assembly

It wouldn't be sufficient to recompile with /clr.  When you do that,
your classes don't automatically become managed classes.  You would
still need to either modify your classes or to create wrappers using
C++/CLI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI).  In order for a C++
class to be visible to IronPython, it would need to be declared as a
"ref class" -- you can see more about that at the referenced Wikipedia

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Anders Elfgren
<anders.elfgren at avalanchestudios.se> wrote:

	First let me say that I'm new to Iron Python, but at least I've
read this in the FAQ.. :)
	Q: How do I build and call into PYD libraries?
	A: IronPython does not support using PYDs built for CPython
since they leverage implementation details of CPython.  You can get a
similar effect for new "PYD"s you would like to implement by writing
them in C# or VB and building a DLL for .NET.
	That said, I've got some questions to see if what I'm doing is
possible anyway.
	We've got a c library of which most of the code has also been
written in Python. We want to create an editor using .net forms which we
can use to edit some files, and to do that we need some data structures
that exist in this library. 
	My current idea is to interface against the python library using
IronPython, and then accessing the datastructures through that in C#
(although if absolutely necessary, we could write the editor in
IronPython too). The thing that is standing against me now is that one
function that exists a small C dll. Since IronPython can't access this
(unless this has changed since the FAQ was written?), I was thinking
that maybe I can compile the dll using the /clr flag and thus get a .net
assembly. Would I then be able to use the function?
	The Python code just tries to import it:
	import AvHash
	And then use it..
	def AdfHash(str):
	    return AvHash.HashString(str)
	At the import statement, this error is raised:
	Traceback (most recent call last):
	  File X:\ctg\libs\ADF\main\common\modeditor.ipy, line 20, in
	  File , line 0, in __import__##4
	  File X:\ctg\libs\ADF\main\common\AdfLib.py, line 1, in
	  File , line 0, in __import__##4
	ImportError: No module named AvHash
	Or is there some other solution? I've just started researching
how to interface between C/C#/Python/IronPython so there may well be
things I haven't heard of...
	I hope I've made my problem clear, thanks for any responses. :)

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