[IronPython] NUnit Recipe - IronPython Cookbook - testing/Visual Studio newb

Carl Trachte ctrachte at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 03:03:11 CEST 2008

On 4/12/08, Ben Hall <ben2004uk at googlemail.com> wrote:
> I'm guessing this is because of changes between NUnit 2.2 and 2.4.  I
>  suggest you give an older version of NUnit a try
>  they are all listed here:
>  http://www.nunit.org/index.php?p=download

I downloaded the 2.2.10 NUnit code, grepped for the missing functions
and Bingo! - there they were.
I haven't set up 2.2.10 yet, but I suspect this will work.
Ultimately, I'd like to adapt the recipe to the current version of
NUnit, but I've got to walk before I can run.
I will also attempt to contact Bitter Coder concerning the article
(noting that it uses NUnit 2.2 and that NUnit 2.4 breaks the code).

>  If you have more trouble I'm happy to have a closer look at the code :)

That's really decent of you.  You've been eminently generous with a
newb already.

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