[IronPython] NUnit Recipe - IronPython Cookbook - testing/Visual Studio newb

Carl Trachte ctrachte at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 23:39:17 CEST 2008

On 4/10/08, Ben Hall <ben2004uk at googlemail.com> wrote:

>  Have you updated your NUnit references?  In the Solution Explorer, you
>  can see a references item.  Under this are all the references to other
>  assemblies. If any of these have a yellow warning icon, then thats
>  your problem.
>  Hope this helps.
>  Ben
>  Blog.BenHall.me.uk


Thanks for the help.  I'm closer now than I was before.  There are
still four errors:

Three for unrecognized (presumably NUnit) functions - IsFixture,
DoFixtureSetUp, and DoFixtureTearDown, and one because the dll does
not get built.  The complete text is shown below.

I'm thinking that I may be using the wrong version of NUnit for
bittercoder's source code (I'm using the current one 2.4.7) or maybe
I'm just completely lost again.  I've grepped (in Cygwin) the 2.4.7
source and I can't find any references to these functions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Error text from Visual Studio Express 2008:

Error	1	'IronPythonLib.NUnit.PythonFixtureExtension.IsFixture': no
suitable method found to
override	D:\IronPythonStuff\IronPythonLib\NUnit\PythonFixtureExtension.cs	28	30	IronPythonLib

Error	2	'IronPythonLib.NUnit.PythonFixtureExtension.DoFixtureSetUp(NUnit.Core.TestResult)':
no suitable method found to
override	D:\IronPythonStuff\IronPythonLib\NUnit\PythonFixtureExtension.cs	33	30	IronPythonLib

Error	3	'IronPythonLib.NUnit.PythonFixtureExtension.DoFixtureTearDown(NUnit.Core.TestResult)':
no suitable method found to
override	D:\IronPythonStuff\IronPythonLib\NUnit\PythonFixtureExtension.cs	66	30	IronPythonLib

Error	4	Metadata file
'D:\IronPythonStuff\IronPythonLib\bin\Release\IronPythonLib.dll' could
not be found	IronPythonLib.Tests

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