[IronPython] Slightly OT - Business Rule Engine Thoughts?

Hernan M Foffani hfoffani at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 17:38:48 CEST 2007

> > I'm looking for a Python business rule engine that could be "worked
> > into" IronPython. Simple is better of course. Any suggestions appreciated.
> I think you should read this:
> http://worsethanfailure.com/Articles/The-Mythical-Business-Layer.aspx
> After which you might want to look at PyClips:
> http://pyclips.sourceforge.net/
> This is (I assume) a CPython extension, but if it is the sort of thing
> you want then you could look for a .NET interface to the clips engine.

Or Drools for .NET



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