[IronPython] IronPython 2 Bug - code module and InteractiveInterpreter (stdout swallowed or not appearing)

Dino Viehland dinov at exchange.microsoft.com
Wed Sep 19 18:17:07 CEST 2007

This is because Builtin.compile is setting the SourceCodeKind to SourceCodeKind.SingleStatement and we don't turn on printExpressions for SingleStatements.

In IronPython.Compiler.Parser there is a method ParseSingleStatement.  You just need to change the last parameter when newing up the PythonAst to true from false and it'll work.  It should be a perfectly safe change as this is the only place in the world that uses SourceCodeKind.SingleStatement.

I'll probably check-in the fix today and add a test case so we don't break it in the future - so you'll see this in the next release.

-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:23 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2 Bug - code module and InteractiveInterpreter (stdout swallowed or not appearing)

Hello all (again),

A simpler way of reproducing the bug is as follows:

IronPython 1 and CPython
 >>> c = compile('3', 'test', 'single', 0, 1)
 >>> exec c

IronPython 2
 >>> c = compile('3', 'test', 'single', 0, 1)
 >>> exec c

I have a 'proof-of-concept' interpreter that runs in the browser, but
this bug makes it not so fun. :-(

Michael Foord

Michael Foord wrote:
> Hello all,
> There is an annoying bug with IronPython 2 which is blocking me from
> implementing an 'interactive interpreter in the browser'.
> I'm afraid I can only show how to reproduce the bug rather than
> diagnose the cause.
> When executing code with the 'InteractiveInterpreter' class from the
> standard library code module, the result of the last expression is
> sent to stdout. This mirrors the behaviour of the normal Python
> interactive interpreter.
> In IronPython 1.1 this works fine - and I can trap the output by
> replacing 'sys.stdout' with my own Python object.
> In IronPython 2, this output just doesn't appear. :-(
> If you run 'test_console.py' (with the other attached files in the
> same directory) with IronPython 1.1 it will print the following line
> to standard out "Received (out) : 3Received (out) :".
> If you run it with IronPython 2 (I've tried it with both Silverlight
> and 2.0a4) it outputs nothing.
> This is a darn shame because having an interactive interpreter in the
> browser is way cool...
> Michael Foord
> http://www.manning.com/foord
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