[IronPython] Announcement: Project to get some CPython C extensions running under IronPython

Giles Thomas giles.thomas at resolversystems.com
Wed Oct 17 18:13:58 CEST 2007

Davy Mitchell wrote:
> Are Resolver Users looking to reuse their existing code in
> spreadsheets or just have the same facilities? If the latter then SWIG
> for Dotnet seems a better option than COM and is more Mono friendly.
I think having the same facilities is vital, but having the same 
interface is very important.  If I understand it correctly, the problem 
with SWIG is that it relies on there already existing a solid, 
well-designed C API which can be wrapped - which is the case for NumPy, 
but isn't for C extensions in general AFAIK.



Giles Thomas
MD & CTO, Resolver Systems Ltd.
giles.thomas at resolversystems.com
+44 (0) 20 7253 6372

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