[IronPython] Announcement: Project to get some CPython C extensions running under IronPython

Giles Thomas giles.thomas at resolversystems.com
Mon Oct 15 17:16:30 CEST 2007


What would the issues be with NumPy - just the size of the API that 
would have to be wrapped?  I must admin that my biggest concern with 
this would be getting everything running under Mono...



Davy Mitchell wrote:
> On 10/12/07, Giles Thomas <giles.thomas at resolversystems.com> wrote:
>> Python and .NET, but also the existing CPython C extensions.
> Hi Giles,
> Sounds like a good idea and the approaches mentioned seemed solid.
> One strategy I was considering for a port of my Mood News site to
> Ironpython (but not tried yet!) is wrapping a CPython Lib into a COM
> object using the win32 stuff and getting it into .Net via the COM
> interop support.
> Maybe not practical for Numpy :-) Does have the advantage of not
> having to modify the original lib...
> Cheers,
> Davy

Giles Thomas
MD & CTO, Resolver Systems Ltd.
giles.thomas at resolversystems.com
+44 (0) 20 7253 6372

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