[IronPython] shelve bug?

Stuart Midgley sdm900 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 06:39:55 CET 2007


I am not sure if this has done the rounds previously, but shelves  
don't appear to be fully supported on IronPython

My code (shelvebug.py) is

import sys


import shelve

d=shelve.open("aaa", writeback=True)
d["a"] = 1

and the output is

stu:/IronPython-1.0.1 > mono -O=all ipy.exe shelvebug.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File shelvebug, line unknown, in Initialize
   File shelve, line unknown, in __setitem__
   File dumbdbm, line unknown, in __setitem__
   File dumbdbm, line unknown, in _addval
NotImplementedError: bad mode: rb+

This obviously works just fine on my MacOSX system with python2.4.3


Dr Stuart Midgley
sdm900 at gmail.com

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