[IronPython] Version of DLR in Silverlight Alpha Refresh?

John Messerly jomes at microsoft.com
Mon Jul 30 03:40:55 CEST 2007

The version of IronPython/DLR that shipped with the Silverlight 1.1 Alpha Refresh is the same one that shipped in the original MIX release: IronPython 2.0 alpha 1. The Refresh release was focused on bug fixes rather than new features. The next Silverlight 1.1 release should have newer IronPython


From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of M. David Peterson
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 3:16 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] Version of DLR in Silverlight Alpha Refresh?

Just noticed Miguel posted Tim Sneath's Silverlight 1.0RC1/1.1Alpha Refresh post[1] to the Olive mailing list.  Nice!  Can someone from MSFT (or anyone else who happens to know the answer) clarify if this new refresh is compatible with IP2.0A3?  If not, what version of IP/DLR is present in this release?

Thanks in advance!

[1] http://blogs.msdn.com/tims/archive/2007/07/27/silverlight-1-0-rc1-is-here.aspx


M. David Peterson
http://mdavid.name | http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/2354 | http://dev.aol.com/blog/3155
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