[IronPython] how do i get the ScriptModule for __main__

Iain Cartwright iaincartwright at kromestudios.com
Tue Jul 17 07:45:17 CEST 2007

I have built a C# class library based on RichTextBox as a drop-in 
ironpython (2.0A2) console for windows forms apps.

I would like to access the __main__  module from my C# code via an 
IScriptModule but i cannot find a way to do this.

I have a ScriptModule that represents the host applications object model 
created thus:

    _pyEngine.CreateModule("ObjectModel", appObjectModel, 

I tried to retrieve __main__ through the 
PythonEngine.DefaultModuleContext and through:

ScriptDomainManager.CurrentManager.TryGetScriptModule("__main__", out 

but no luck.  I'm  sure I'm missing something obvious - any ideas?



iain cartwright
Technical Director
Krome Studios Melbourne
Phone: +61 3 9867 0753
Fax: +61 3 9867 0800

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