[IronPython] IpyUnit unit testing module

Patrick O'Brien sum.ergo.code at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 14:12:32 CET 2007

On 12/30/06, Ryan Ginstrom <ginstrom at tree.odn.ne.jp> wrote:
> Hello all:
> I've started using IronPython on a new desktop application, and I am
> really
> enjoying it. One thing I missed, though, was an easy-to-use unit testing
> framework. I'm very new to both .NET and IronPython, but I made a first
> stab
> at writing a unit testing module.

Why not use the unittest that comes with CPython?  It seems to work fine for
me under IP.

Patrick K. O'Brien
Orbtech       http://www.orbtech.com
Schevo        http://www.schevo.org
Louie         http://www.pylouie.org
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