[IronPython] Python Command Line Compiler issues and questions

J. Merrill jvm_cop at spamcop.net
Tue Jan 2 17:25:58 CET 2007

Now you only have to check if any of the .py files have a later date than the .EXE you built, and (p)re-compile in that case. Excellent!

At 11:20 AM 1/1/2007, Michael Foord wrote (in part)
>Mark Rees wrote: (in part)
>> I have a simple IronPython script that will compile an IronPython 
>> executable with multiple source files
>> http://hex-dump.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ironpython-gdata-tutorial/tut03/makeexe.py 
>> [snip] 
>Ahh... cool.
>I've had a play with makeexe.py, it's very nice. [snip]
>We were intending to ship source code with our application (which has 
>various advantages for us - our target market includes programmers in 
>business environments), but we have an issue with startup time - mainly 
>caused by the parsing of the Python files. Precompilation could solve that.
>Michael Foord

J. Merrill / Analytical Software Corp

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