[IronPython] Looping in IronPython - should it be linear?

Robert Wierschke wierob at gmx.de
Thu Feb 15 09:37:05 CET 2007

Please post the code of your loop.

Do you instantiate objectn in your loop? I guess the memory management / garbage collection is responsible for the additional required time.

Also the code runs in the .NET VM and the VM might do other things as well (JIT compilation, ...).

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 20:43:36 -0700
Von: "Steve Chadwick" <steve.chadwick at gmail.com>
An: "\'Discussion of IronPython\'" <users at lists.ironpython.com>
Betreff: [IronPython] Looping in IronPython - should it be linear?

> All,
>         I am new to IP, and I have a silly post.  I am sure that someone
> might be able to help me understand what is happening here (I am truly
> impressed with the technical depth of this forum).  In trying to learn the
> language, one of the things I do is just run a quick looping experiment
> and
> measure the time it takes to execute N iterations.  Up to this point, I
> have
> always gotten a trend that is linear, which makes sense.  
>         However, the below graph isn't linear, and I am puzzled as to why.
> The graph seems to suggest that the distribution has an exponential
> component to it.  I have tested this on a couple of windows systems and
> this
> wasn't a fluke.  Granted, the version of IP that I am using isn't the
> latest/greatest, but regardless of versioning, I am trying to understand
> the
> mechanism.  Thanks for any thoughts, and my apologies if this turns out to
> be a silly post.
> Sincerely,
> Steve Chadwick

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