[IronPython] can't override LayoutEngine property

Jonathan Amsterdam jba at ELLINGTON.com
Thu Apr 26 17:23:13 CEST 2007

I'm trying to overrride the LayoutEngine property of Control so I can
implement my own layout engine. I find that this doesn't work in IP.
Accessing the LayoutEngine property in IP works fine, but it doesn't
work from C#.


//////////////////// C# code:


   public class MyCSharpClass


        public static LayoutEngine getLayoutEngine(Panel p)


            return p.LayoutEngine;




//////////////////// Python code:


class MyLayoutEngine(LayoutEngine):

    def Layout(self, parent, eventArgs):



mle = MyLayoutEngine()


class MyPanel(Panel):

    LayoutEngine = property(lambda self: mle)


p = MyPanel()

print "from Python:", p.LayoutEngine

print "from C#:", MyCSharpClass.getLayoutEngine(p)


//////////////////// output:

from Python: <MyLayoutEngine object at 0x000000000000002B>

from C#: System.Windows.Forms.Layout.DefaultLayout



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