[IronPython] Saxon8.8N for Mono 1.17.1

M. David Peterson xmlhacker at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 00:03:57 CEST 2006

I have been spending as much time as I can building various integration
pieces to provide a simple, straight forward Pythonic API into the
Saxon.Apilibrary.  I had need to run some tests on Mono, and so
quickly built out the
updated (read: extension functions work.  They don't in the current
8.8release available on SF) source against Mono

You can access the bits via

Once unpacked, from the ipy console,

>>> import clr
> >>> clr.AddReference("Saxon.Api.dll")
> >>> from Saxon.Api import *
> >>> dir()
> ['DocumentBuilder', 'DomDestination', 'DynamicError', 'IQueryResolver',
> 'Process
> or', 'QName', 'SchemaManager', 'SchemaResolver', 'SchemaValidationMode',
> 'Schema
> Validator', 'SequenceEnumerator', 'Serializer', 'StaticError',
> 'TextWriterDestin
> ation', 'WhitespacePolicy', 'XPathCompiler', 'XPathExecutable',
> 'XPathSelector',
>  'XQueryCompiler', 'XQueryEvaluator', 'XQueryExecutable',
> 'XdmAtomicValue', 'Xdm
> Axis', 'XdmDestination', 'XdmEmptySequence', 'XdmItem', 'XdmNode',
> 'XdmValue', '
> XmlDestination', 'XsltCompiler', 'XsltExecutable', 'XsltTransformer',
> '__builtin
> s__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'clr', 'site']

I've been working a bit on creating a much more Pythonic API (
http://dev.pypod.net/browser/trunk/Saxon.Ext) of which Sylvain is going to
help me fine tune at some point tomorrow (UK Time).  Either he or I will
update accordingly.



M. David Peterson
http://mdavid.name | http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/2354
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