[IronPython] Fatal Error 4008 when attempting to reference a dll...

J. Merrill jvm_cop at spamcop.net
Tue Sep 26 22:31:16 CEST 2006

I don't know what this is.  If it isn't an IronPython error, but rather a Windows / .Net error, this might be relevant (search for 4008 once the page loads):


To ask a dumb question, are you sure the DLL is a .Net assembly?  How did you get the DLL to be on the "search path" for assemblies?

At 01:38 PM 9/26/2006, Askenazi, Manor wrote
>>>> clr.AddReferenceToFile("some.dll")
>Fatal Error: deployment error (4008).
>Is this a dead end? Is the error code specific to IronPython?
>Manor Askenazi, M.Eng.
>Bioinformatics Engineer
><http://www.dfci.harvard.edu/res/departments/cancer/>Department of Cancer Biology
>Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
>44 Binney Street
>Boston, MA 02115-6084
>office: (617)582-8655
>fax:     (617)632-5019

J. Merrill / Analytical Software Corp
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