[IronPython] IronPython RC2 RPM + YaST + YUM

M. David Peterson xmlhacker at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 22:34:18 CEST 2006

Hey Seo,

I know VERY little when it comes to the world of Unix, but at first look,
after installation there does seem to be the standard site.py contained in
/usr/lib/IronPython/Lib which is the same empty file (except for the
Microsoft copyright information) contained in the standard distro via

With this in mind, two things immediately jump out at me as possibilities,

NOTE: For ease of reference via URI#line number I checked the file into the
extensibleforge repository which can be viewed via the Trac interface @

>From http://dev.extensibleforge.net/browser/build/IronPython.spec#L124,

cat <<EOF >> ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/IronPython/Lib/site.py

1) If not mistaken, when using cat, a single < (e.g. "cat <EOF ...") will
create a new file if it doesn't exist or replace the existing file if it
does, where as a double < (e.g. "cat <<EOF ...") will create a new file if
it doesn't exist, and append from stdin to the existing file if it does.

While doubtful, would changing the existing double < to a single < help in
any way?

2) Regardless of the above, if the site.py file already exists in the Lib
directory that is copied into the RPM, and the copy process takes place
after the above cat process, the newly created site.py file would (I'm
guessing) be copied over the top of by the existing site.py from the
standard distro.

I've verified that if you append the same lines from the spec file [
http://dev.extensibleforge.net/browser/build/IronPython.spec#L124 ->
http://dev.extensibleforge.net/browser/build/IronPython.spec#L132] to the
end of /usr/lib/IronPython/Lib/site.py, you can then access the existing
*.py modules as expected.

In this sense, the solutions seems to be one of the following,

a) Just add the desired lines to the site.py that is wrapped into the RPM.

b) If not already (as alluded to already, my knowledge of the Unix command
line tools and even more so, the RPM build process is severely limited) run
the cat process after the copy process takes place.


On 9/4/06, Sanghyeon Seo <sanxiyn at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2006/9/4, M. David Peterson <xmlhacker at gmail.com>:
> > Looking through the various release notes and download pages for Mono
> > I noticed the Mono folks have now packaged RC2 of IronPython
> into
> > an RPM.
> >
> http://www.go-mono.com/download/noarch/ironpython/1.0-RC2/IronPython-1.0_RC2-0.novell.noarch.rpm
> Good catch!
> In case others are curious how this was done, here's a link to RPM spec
> file:
> http://www.go-mono.com/download/noarch/ironpython/1.0-RC2/IronPython.spec
> Does anyone have an idea re: "Doesn't work... site.py doesn't seem to
> get loaded...?" cmment in the spec file?
> Seo Sanghyeon
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M. David Peterson
http://mdavid.name | http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/2354
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