[IronPython] base64 bug

Christopher Baus christopher at baus.net
Mon Nov 13 00:45:10 CET 2006

> Now, imagine, what kind of debugging hell the above bug entailed.
> I don't want to sound too harsh, but some parts of me are crying out
> loud, "Python implementation with broken re, socket, and base64? And
> they call it 1.0? What the hell? Are they serious?"

I concur.  I'm sold on the concept of integrating Python and .NET, but in
implementation, this is not 1.0 quality (unless no compatibility with
CPython is claimed, but I'd have to question the value of IronPython w/out
CPython compatibility).

I've spent a lot of my free time chasing down bugs.  The os exception type
mismatches about drove me to brink.

The regular expression problems are a deciding factor for me.  I REALLY,
REALLY do not want to get involved with debugging the re module, but there
is a ton of code out there that needs a decent re package.

Anyway, I wrote more about this on my blog here:

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