[IronPython] socket for IronPython update

M. David Peterson xmlhacker at gmail.com
Tue May 2 20:04:43 CEST 2006

Do you have CherryPy running via IronPython?

I've copied Sylvain Hellegouarch, one of the CP project developers as
I know he has had this on his list of things to get working.

There's a lot of folks, including myself, that  would LOVE to see CP
running via IronPython...  Sylvain, it seems that maybe Seo and you
could compare notes?  I'd love to help where I can.... just not quite
sure where/what work needs to be done.

On 5/2/06, Sanghyeon Seo <sanxiyn at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2006/5/2, Chu Kevin <redmoon17 at gmail.com>:
> > I always wish that IronPython can run Zope/Plone.
> > a importance module is socket, but your socket still not run sample
> > network application eg: edna
> What is edna and where can I download it?
> I currently test my socket.py against SimpleHTTPServer in Python
> Standard Library, CherryPy (in progress), and dnspython for UDP
> support.
> Seo Sanghyeon
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M. David Peterson

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