[IronPython] IronPython and Swig

Dino Viehland dinov at exchange.microsoft.com
Wed Jul 26 02:43:19 CEST 2006

You'll need to tell us about the DLL first:

import clr
import someNamespaceOrTypeFrom_myDll

then we'll be able to load types & namespaces from it.

From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com On Behalf Of Lyle Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:42 PM
To: users at lists.ironpython.com
Subject: [IronPython] IronPython and Swig

Hi All,

I have a C++ DLL that I wrapped with Swig. Inside the python wrapper it
imports the DLL, i.e. "import _myDll". In IronPython, I get the error:

ImportError: No Module named _myDll.

I have made sure that the directory with my DLL is in both my PATH and

Does IronPython not support this usage of the import statement?


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