[IronPython] Cannot launch generated executables

Greg Chapman glc at well.com
Thu Jan 5 16:03:12 CET 2006

I'm using IronPython 1.0.2190 (Beta) on .NET 2.0.50727.42 (Windows XP
SP2).  It seems that any script I try runs fine if invoked with
ironpythonconsole (i.e., from cmd's command line: 
"ironpythonconsole test.py").  However, when I try to run the
generated executable, I first get a dialog box saying "test.exe is not
a valid Win32 application", and then get an "Access is denied" message
printed to the console.  For example, the generated executable for a
simple hello world script won't load:

def Main():
    print "hello world"


Any ideas on what's wrong?


Greg Chapman

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