[IronPython] Microsoft Excel via IronPython using PIAs on Windows XP

Weffers, H.T.G. h.t.g.weffers at tue.nl
Thu Feb 9 17:44:30 CET 2006

I received a number of suggestions using 'regular' Python and using 
PythonWin for Python2.4 and a number of received examples and 
code snippets I got it working. Thank you.
Nevertheless, I also tried the suggestion on using IronPython with
'just' the PIAs. On a Microsoft WindowsXP platform running Microsoft 
Office2003 I installed the PIAs according to the accompanying 
documentation but this does not yield success:
>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReferenceToFile("excel.dll")
results in 
>>> RuntimeError:  Could not add reference to assembly excel.dll
Suggestions are appreciated....
Sincerely yours,
Harold Weffers


From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com
[mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of J. Merrill
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 6:01 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Question (Novice) on using Microsoft Excel via

There is very little, if any, advantage in attempting to "exploit .Net
capabilities" when the goal of the task is to interact with code that is
not based in .Net.  Excel does not have a .Net-based API; it has only a
COM-based API.  It is both easier (less code to write, more available
documentation) and more efficient (fewer "layers" to go through at
execution time) to work with a COM-based API using unmanaged code rather
than managed code.

If you were to use non-Iron Python (there is another post that has some
code showing some of the incantations needed) you would be at least as
close to the goal.

If you have a requirement to use a .Net language to complete the task,
IronPython will be as good as anything.  You will need to get hold of
(and install) the "primary interop assemblies" (PIAs) for the version of
Excel that you're using -- and, if the program is to run on someone
else's machine eventually, you'll have to get them (and .Net 2 and
IronPython) onto that machine as well.  Holler if you need assistance
with that.  

But I suggest you use "ordinary" Python for the task.  Good luck!

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