[IronPython] pyexpat and IronPython

Dino Viehland dinov at exchange.microsoft.com
Tue Aug 8 17:11:32 CEST 2006

Do you mean copying & pasting this to the console?  Or is this some issue you run into when actually using pyexpat?

From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Sridevi Aishwariya
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 9:47 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] pyexpat and IronPython

__slots__ = [
gives an error
On 8/5/06, Mark Rees <mark.john.rees at gmail.com<mailto:mark.john.rees at gmail.com>> wrote:

Seo has already done a basic pyexpat wrapper. He posted about it in:


And it can be found at:


I have used this with ElementTree. There are limitations like iterparse
doesn't work and if the XML you are parsing contains an empty element
i.e <doc /> it fails. I have modified Seo's pyexpat.py to handle the
second limitation and have included the source in this email. I have
used this for my elementtree requirements but the XML I parse is simple
so there may be other as yet undiscovered issues.



Modified version of pyexpat from

import clr
clr.AddReference(" System.Xml")

from System.IO import MemoryStream, SeekOrigin, StreamWriter
from System.Xml import NameTable, XmlNamespaceManager, XmlParserContext,
from System.Xml import XmlTextReader, XmlNodeType

def ErrorString(errno):
   if errno > 0:
       return "unknown error"
       return None

def ParserCreate(*args):
   return xmlparser()

class xmlparser:

   __slots__ = [

   returns_unicode = False

   def __init__(self):
       self._stream = MemoryStream()
       self._parser = self._make_parser()

   def Parse(self, data, isfinal=False):
       if isfinal:

   def _make_parser(self):
       table = NameTable()
       manager = XmlNamespaceManager(table)
       parser = XmlParserContext(table, manager, None, XmlSpace.None)
       return parser

   def _append_stream(self, data):
       stream = self._stream
       position = stream.Position
       stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End)
       writer = StreamWriter(stream)
       stream.Position = position

   def _parse(self):
       reader = XmlTextReader(self._stream, XmlNodeType.Element,
       while reader.Read():
           nodetype = reader.NodeType
           if nodetype == XmlNodeType.Element:
               name = reader.Name
               attributes = {}
               while reader.MoveToNextAttribute():
                   attributes[reader.Name] = reader.Value
               if hasattr(self, "StartElementHandler"):
                   self.StartElementHandler(name, attributes)
               # Create EndElement event as XmlTextReader doesn't
               # do this for empty elements
               if reader.IsEmptyElement :
                   nodetype = XmlNodeType.EndElement
           if nodetype == XmlNodeType.EndElement:
               name = reader.Name
               if hasattr(self, "EndElementHandler"):
           elif nodetype == XmlNodeType.Text:
               data = reader.Value
               if hasattr(self, "CharacterDataHandler"):
                   self.CharacterDataHandler (data)

Monty Taylor wrote:
> You could write a Python or C# wrapper around System.XML that behaves
> like pyexpat and contribute it. :)
> Monty
> On 8/4/06, Bruce Christensen < t-bruch at microsoft.com<mailto:t-bruch at microsoft.com>> wrote:
>> Nope. :) pyexpat relies on Python extension modules written in C, which
>> don't work with IronPython. However, you can use the classes in the .NET
>> System.Xml namespace for parsing XML documents if you're writing new
>> code.
>> --Bruce
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com<mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com>
>> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com<mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com>] On Behalf Of Sridevi
>> Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 5:41 AM
>> To: users-ironpython.com at lists.ironpython.com<mailto:users-ironpython.com at lists.ironpython.com>
>> Subject: [IronPython] pyexpat and IronPython
>> Iam unable to run pyexpat from IronPython
>> Is there any files i got to add for it
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