[IronPython] IronPython 0.9.4 released

Jim Hugunin jimhug at exchange.microsoft.com
Sat Nov 5 01:31:23 CET 2005

Hi Keith,

I think that we overstated the announcement of static compilation a little bit.  There is a new class that does support some static compilation, but it's far from complete.  We only expose the class and no msbuild or command-line way of invoking the compiler so you'll need to write a Python (or C# or VB or ...) script to drive a build.  It will build a collection of Python modules into a single executable.  These executables need access to IronPython.dll and IronMath.dll either in the path, a config file or the GAC.  The collections of modules can also be loaded with sys.LoadAssembly* functions and then their Python modules can be imported and used in IronPython.

There is no support yet for building a library that is easily usable from other CLS languages (like C# and VB).  This will be coming at some currently unspecified time in the future.

Thanks - Jim


From: Keith J. Farmer [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Keith J. Farmer
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 3:18 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: RE: [IronPython] IronPython 0.9.4 released

Does the static compilation include support for producing .NET libraries (as opposed to a sequence of snippets), or is that still being worked on?


From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com on behalf of Martin Maly
Sent: Thu 11/3/2005 1:54 PM
To: 'Discussion of IronPython'
Subject: [IronPython] IronPython 0.9.4 released

Hello IronPython community,

we have just released IronPython 0.9.4. The biggest change is implementation of static compilation (IronPython.Hosting.Compiler), a component that compiles multiple sources into the single executable.
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