[IronPython] Pondering Monad/MSH and IronPython

Keith J. Farmer kfarmer at thuban.org
Mon Jul 25 18:14:36 CEST 2005

I think it has to do with syntax, and the DSL tools push.  MSH in
particular is geared toward one-liner pipelines, whereas Python is a
little heavy-weight in that regard.  MSH is also intended to be somewhat
familiar to those from the *sh world.


Remember one of the selling points of .NET was that people could use the
language they want for the task.  In particular, that means that people
can use the most appropriate language for the task.  MS is pushing
domain-specific language tools, and MSH can be seen as that - its
language consists of drives, folders, files, and how to process and
present lists and streams thereof in a one-line syntax.  Python, on the
other hand, strikes me as much more suited for general applications
work.  If it were a matter of reducing languages, I'd expect MS to just
push the existing .NET implementations of VBS and JS, and possibly
purchase the rights to one of the C# script engines.


Just my observations...



Keith J. Farmer

kfarmer at thuban.org


From: users-ironpython.com-bounces at lists.ironpython.com
[mailto:users-ironpython.com-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of
Anthony Tarlano
Sent: Monday, 25 July 2005 04:41

So, the question is, Why have both? If MSH is focused at introspective
system programming scenarios, then why not just use IronPython?

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