[IronPython] Installing IP with the new CTP

Greg Kerr gregk at simdesk.com
Thu Dec 29 23:11:29 CET 2005

Not a problem, just don't use SolidColourBrush :-).
Yes, IP/WPF is awesomely fun.


Iain Mackay wrote:
> Thanks to Greg for pointing out my mis-Behavio(u)r. Those dyslexic moments
> can be a big sap on productivity :)
> Also, by more careful use of the message archive I see that some of my
> problems had been addressed already; though the PersistentAnimations
> roadblock remains so far as I can see.
> I rebuilt IP using the [STAThread] attribute; and a study of avalon.py shows
> how to get the tutorial code working:
> from avalon import *
> def UI ():
> 	w=Window ()
> 	w.Show ()
> 	w.Title = "Avalon app"
> 	w.Content = ScrollViewer ()
> 	w.Content.Content = TextBlock ()
> 	w.Content.Content.Text = "\n".join \
> 		(["%s:\t%s" % (k, v) for (k, v) in w.Content.__dict__.items
> ()])
> 	w.Content.Content.FontSize = 10
> 	#a = DoubleAnimation(0.0, Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)))
> 	#a.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever
> 	#w.Content.Content.PersistentAnimations[Shape.OpacityProperty]  = a
> CallBack (UI)
> I displayed the dictionary of the ScrollViewer hoping to get some clue to
> the replacement for PersistentAnimations in the new CTP. I can't find any
> reference to this change in the MS documentation - does anyone know about it
> I wonder?
> One thing I observe that is presumably nothing to do with IronPython is how
> slow the scrolling of the text window is on what I thought was a fast PC
> with lots of memory and a nice video card.
> Anyway - I can now get WPF examples working - and maybe move onwards to tbe
> brave new world of 3D!

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