[IronPython] IronPython IDE

Stanislas Pinte stan at ertmssolutions.com
Fri Dec 9 10:44:28 CET 2005

Giles Thomas wrote:
> Hi all,
> Another question - what are people using to edit/debug IronPython code?
> My most recent projects have all been with Java using IntelliJ, and I've 
> only just moved over to .NET.  I'm told that Visual Studio 2005 is a 
> good IDE - but it appears that it only supports C# and Visual Basic.

Vim is great.

WingIDE is very nice, and comes with fully integrated python
highlighting and completion.

> Right now I'm using TextPad with a Python syntax highlighing 
> configuration file, but if there's anything better out there - or if my 
> understanding wrt VS2005 is wrong - then I'd love to hear about it!
> Cheers,
> Giles
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   Stanislas Pinte             e-mail: stan at ertmssolutions.com
   ERTMS Solutions               http://www.ertmssolutions.com
   Rue de l'Autonomie, 1             Tel:    + 322 - 522.06.63
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