[IPython-dev] IPython 5.0.0rc1

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 19:41:40 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm happy to announce IPython 5.0.0rc1, hopefully that will be the last before
the final version. Upgrade with

    $ pip install ipython --upgrade --pre

We have 1 outstanding issue where `%matplotlib qt` on Windows is currently
broken, we would need help in getting that fixed as most of the dev dont have
windows available.

- https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/9652

The time since Beta4 have been longer than usual as we were waiting for some
upstream fixes.

Big improvement and efforts on the documentation side, that you can view on


In particular the what's new is of interest:


Since Beta 4 we had the following noticeable points.
 - Attempt to document most of prompt_toolkit shortcuts (vi and emacs mode)
 - lots of cleanup of readline-relative code that should be unused, and added
   quite a bit of DeprecationWarnings in places that needed them.
 - restore color in IPython.embed()
 - TerminalInteractiveShell.colors gain a "Neutral" theme now the default, that
   should be visible both on light and dark BG. the `linux` and `lightbg`
   variant have now  more contrast, and can be switched live with `%colors`
 - lots of edge-case bug fix/crash.

Related info:

- There were upload issue  with warehouse, If install fail, or you have weirds
  issue, feel free to tell us.

- Jupyter console 5 is out, not much change from beta. It fix compatibility
  issues with IPython 5.0

- Hopefully I'll release 5.0 by end of week/early next week, before or during
  SciPy with a bigger announce on the Jupyter blog.

Thanks all

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