[IPython-dev] thoughts on the notebook, alternative front-ends and remote editing

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 01:56:41 EST 2015

Le 4 mars 2015 à 22:24, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> a écrit :

> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Matthias Bussonnier <bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:
> Should we make a place just to discuss realtime collaboration ?
> No, let's keep it on this list...  The discussion is at the heart of very interesting questions about the entire system, so I'd rather not splinter into multiple lists.

No, not multiple list, I was thinking about GH issues,
where you can mute things. Also the ML, is all but friendly for
searching a topic/archive. 

Will respond to other mails tomorrow. 

> Nicholas, I appreciate your desire to polish things, but I really would like to encourage you to sync in with us on all of this earlier rather than later. As has already been mentioned, this is what Matthias is basically working full-time on right now, as part of the ongoing collaboration with the Google CoLaboratory team.  It's the perfect time to have these discussions with the whole team!
> Very much looking forward to what will cook out from this effort :)
> Cheers,
> f
> -- 
> Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
> fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
> fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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