[IPython-dev] Plotly Interactive Graph Widget

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 16:02:12 EST 2015

Thanks a lot for the announce, 

We are really happy to see what you have build with widgets ! 
Please also let us know any other feedback you have. 

We are converging on IPython 3.0, and once the beta is released we will try to 
improve documentation. 

If you have any blog post that describe some of the workaround you did, or even want to 
add things to our docs, please feel free to do so. 

Thanks a lot for this new release of Plot.ly ! 


Le 23 janv. 2015 à 20:03, Chris P <chris at plot.ly> a écrit :

> Hey IPython Community --
> I wanted to share with you Plotly's new IPython graph widget. A couple GIFs:
> Contour Plot Explorer - The bottom graph updates with the elevation and distance of the points that are clicked on in the top-graph.
> (Link to GIF: http://i.imgur.com/2Wbbo6l.gif)
> Dataframe Explorer of NYC 311 calls: Zooming and panning in the top time-series graph updates the bottom graph. Updating the search, dropdown, and slider values perform Pandas calls and Plotly restyle commands.
> (Link to GIF: http://i.imgur.com/h5GLIHc.gif)
> This involved a couple of neat interactions with the Widget framework:
> - Events from our JS graphing library (hover, click, zoom) get passed to the Python kernel. Python callbacks can be assigned with e.g. GraphWidget.on_click(callback)
> - All the functions from our JS graphing lib are exposed in the Python GraphWidget: restyle, add_traces, delete_traces, reorder_traces, relayout
> - We're embedded these graphs as IFrames and all communication from the IPython JS client happens through postMessage. Since the GraphWidget is initialized with the unique URL of the graph, it's possible to swap graphs in and out of IPython widgets. For example, that Contour Plot Explorer will work with any Contour Plot, the user just has to replace contour_plot = GraphWidget('https://plot.ly/~bronsolo/63') with a URL of their own contour plot.
> The widget code is here: https://github.com/plotly/python-api/tree/master/plotly/widgets. Any feedback or suggestions is greatly appreciated!
> Some comments from the development POV: 
> - JS tracebacks were really difficult to debug. 
> - For easy use by the user, I decided to inject the JS dynamically on import. Adding //@ source to the end of the injected JS made the JS code appear in Chrome's dev tools. Without //@ source, the dynamic JS was lost in a Chrome VM.
> - I'm using Unicode(sync=True) to pass messages back and forth, but really I felt like I should just be using the underlying comm interface instead of the MVC framework. But, I had trouble finding good documentation on that interface.
> - Looking forward to a "knob" widget fora ipython etch-a-sketch ;) 
> Here are a few notebooks demonstrating the graph widget, including an overview. 
> Finally, thanks a bunch to the IPython team for all the great work with widgets!
> Chris
> -- 
> Chris Parmer
> 514 571 5897
> https://plot.ly/team
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