[IPython-dev] always use online version of mathjax for nbconvert

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 13:31:15 EST 2015


On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 10:22 AM, MinRK <benjaminrk at gmail.com> wrote:
> What version of IPython? nbconvert html export should include mathjax from
> their CDN by default, unless you are using a custom template.
> -MinRK
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 7:55 AM, Max Linke <max_linke at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have installed a local copy of mathjax to use the notebooks on the go
>> while I have no Internet connection. Today I wanted to share a notebook
>> as a html file with a colleague and noticed that non of my formulas are
>> rendered in the HTML. Looking into the html I couldn't find any
>> instructions to load the mathjax code. Is there a template that always
>> uses the online version of mathjax for html exports independent of the
>> setup from my local machine?

I noticed some problems when I started serving mathjax from my own
machine, which I put down to mathjax loading much more quickly and
therefore beating the page load in a race.  I ended up putting in some
custom HTML that I believed was forcing a mathjax load:


Unfortunately I'm a complete novice with javascript, and mathjax, so I
don't know whether that is a reasonable solution.



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