[IPython-dev] Notebook: Retaining mouse events when destroying elements with JS

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 18:12:52 EDT 2014

When you display output, clicking in there disables all of IPython's
shortcuts, so that you can type normally if your output includes a text
widget or something. Normally, when the focus leaves the output element,
the shortcuts are enabled again. I guess that because you're deleting the
element, the 'focus left' event isn't firing properly.

This section of our code should illustrate how to work around it:


On 19 September 2014 08:55, Phil Elson <pelson.pub at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've got a case where I'm implementing a button which removes some output
> via JS when clicked.
> The removal is working as expected, but IPython's keyboard events are no
> longer firing after the button has been clicked.
> Essentially I have a single cell with the following:
> from IPython.display import HTML
> HTML("""
> <button id="my_button" text="Click me to remove!">Click me</button>
> <script>
> $("#my_button").click(function() {
>     $("#my_button").remove()
> });
> </script>
> """)
> This is part of a more complex system which cannot currently make use of
> the widget infrastructure, so wonder if anybody can give me any clues as to
> how to prevent the IPython keyboard short-cuts from disappearing once the
> button is pressed?
> Thanks!
> Phil
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