[IPython-dev] [IPython-User] Runtime selection of the default pretty display

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Sun Jun 1 16:11:02 EDT 2014

Hi Akim.

>>> So what I'd like is a means to control which _repr_ IPython's
>>> display will chose.  Is there such a feature?  
>> No, there is not. 
> Do you think that would be useful?

No it is by design. If you need the functionality, you are probably misunderstanding the way it works.
As a library author you shouldn't decide for the user, if the user really want to change, he/she import
display_whatever from IPython.display and call it on your object. Any tentative to do something else, 
will break things in weird ways. 

>> You cannot, the last syntactic block of code has a value, it will be displayed.
> Well, I'm not really an expect Python programmer, so maybe you
> thought I would have thought of another means and rejected it,
> but no, I did not :)  So yes, I can have what I was asking for,
> provided I avoid the outer lambda (lambdas are so sadly poor in
> Python :-/):
>> # Requires IPython 2.0.
>> def _automaton_interact(self):
>>    """Display automaton `self` with a local menu to the select
>>    the display mode.  Pay attention to not displaying large
>>    automata by default.
>>    """
>>    from IPython.html.widgets import interact
>>    if 20 < self.state_number():
>>        modes = ['info', 'dot']
>>    else:
>>        modes = ['dot', 'info']
>>    modes += ['info,detailed', 'tooltip', 'type', 'dot2tex']
>>    interact(lambda mode: _automaton_display(self, mode), mode = modes)
>> automaton.display = _automaton_interact
> This does exactly what I want.
>> Il might get better if you fix your above problem of foo.display(), maybe using `_repr_mime_` in ipython 
>> but i do not remember if you can do it with widgets.
> I have not found a means to use _repr_mime_ here
>> Keep in mind that widget are still at the beginning, so missing pieces might still arise. 
> Sure.  I'd like to suggest something like _repr_widget_ or
> whatever that would allow to provide an interactive widget
> as representation.  That would be really awesome.

Widget are not my area of expertise, I haven't played a lot with them, so I'll let other respond. 

> Cheers,
> 	Akim
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