[IPython-dev] IDL/GDL kernel

Luke Stagner lstagner at uci.edu
Thu Jul 31 02:52:10 EDT 2014

In regards to the kernel not shutting down the GDL process. It seems 
that kernel.do_shutdown is not being overridden by 
GDLKernel.do_shutdown. To check this I threw in an assert that will fail 
if GDLKernel.do_shutdown gets called. Suffice to say that assert is 
never thrown.


On 07/30/2014 08:40 PM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
> On 30 July 2014 20:27, Luke Stagner <lstagner at uci.edu 
> <mailto:lstagner at uci.edu>> wrote:
>     Hmm, that didn't seem to work. I now get the following error
>     <http://0bin.net/paste/BDU0f44gGw+PeZNa#zty1WLi79r-Tbzt2hoRGVWdg00fskTIDiam3U2X7D3A>
>     with the following revision
>     <https://github.com/lstagner/idl_kernel/commit/31b4f03b82db38a582aea264451cdaa3da8d2373>.
>     I must be doing something wrong.
> Oh yes, using that lower level interface, you'll need to base64 encode 
> the data yourself. JSON can only handle text, not arbitrary bytes.
> Thomas
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