[IPython-dev] listing subfolders in the tree

Zoltán Vörös zvoros at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 07:36:18 EST 2013

Hi Matthias,

> Le 6 déc. 2013 à 08:50, Zoltán Vörös a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> This issue has come up a couple of times, but since it hasn't been
>> settled, I wonder, whether I could raise it once more. At the moment,
>> the notebook tree lists notebook files that are in the directory, in
>> which the server was started, but the server doesn't descend into
>> subfolders.
>> What I would like to do is search for all .ipynb files in all subfolders
>> of the root, wrap the links in a dynatree structure, and serve that, so
>> that the directory structure would be preserved in the front-end, and
>> directories could be collapsed etc. Alternatively, folders could be
>> added as a new tab, next to clusters.
> Knowing that the dashboard is refreshed often that some people have
> notebook on network storage traversing hard-drive recursively is not an
> alternative that will be shipped in core.
This is a good point, but I don't think that making this configurable 
would upset anything.

> as you are aware master can see content in subfolder
> go to
> <domain>/tree/<subfolder>/<subsubfolder>
> and open notebook with
> <domain>/notebook/<subfolder>/<subsubfolder>/<notebook.ipynb>
> The only missing thing is UI , but the full REST URL scheme is ready.
Yes, that's true, but then one still has to know the name of the 
folders. Wouldn't life be much easier, if the folders were served right 

And I think, my related suggestion is still valid: if users could tamper 
with what exactly is served on the dashboard, that would make the 
front-end quite flexible. One might want to order notebooks by 
creation/modification date, or size, or whether a notebook has a 
particular keyword, or I have no idea. The point is that some processing 
has to be done. I think it would be OK, if these extra options could be 
passed to the server on the command line. All I am asking for is a means 
of executing code and inserting the results into the dashboard when the 
server examines the folder in question. Is that totally unreasonable?


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