[IPython-dev] idea "native" ipython notebook

Damián Avila damianavila at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 14:30:27 EDT 2013

El 08/04/13 15:25, Matthias BUSSONNIER escribió:
> Hi,
>> Our idea is to start with the simplest approach: embedding each notebook in a QtWebKit widget and not using the dashboard.
> Last Time I tried with  QtWebKitWidget, Qt Javascript VM was **much** too slow.
> Didn't had the chance to look deeper but I would have suggested Chromium embedded.

I used Qtwebkit widget in vIPer with PyQt 4.9 and it is slow... but I 
have not tested recently... I think PyQt 5.0 was released, maybe there 
was an improvement.
I will check this soon and let you know.



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