[IPython-dev] Interactive Matplotlib in the browser

Jason Grout jason-sage at creativetrax.com
Thu Oct 11 18:50:01 EDT 2012

On 10/11/12 4:49 PM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
> I have a proof-of-concept way to make interactive plots in the browser
> work using transparent PNGs described here:
> http://mdboom.github.com/blog/2012/10/11/matplotlib-in-the-browser-its-coming/
> No PRs yet, because this is miles from ready for that, but it would be
> helpful to get some feedback about how this works in different
> browsers/platforms/network environments etc.

A sample implementation using websockets instead of polling is here:


It still requests the file, which causes a delay.  I think doing a png 
diff sounds like a great idea.  What if we also transfer the png diff 
over the websocket connection (maybe in a binary frame)?



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