[IPython-dev] datavis with ipython notebook

Bartosz Telenczuk b.telenczuk at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Fri Jan 27 16:35:04 EST 2012

I completely agree, it would be really nice to enable user interaction with the plots in notebooks. If I am not mistaken, Sage has also a similar feature.

I have played with dynamic plots in ipython notebook a bit. The idea is that I add some javascript to SVG generated from matlplotlib (based on an example from matplotlib website). It works well for me (in Firefox and Chrome), but the limitation is that currently one cannot feed the data based on user interaction back to the interpreter.

I attach my sample notebook for testting (when you click on one of text(!) labels: 'rabbit' or 'frog' some bars should disappear)

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On 27.01.2012, at 18:34, Brian Granger wrote:

> We would definitely like to support this but there are some technical
> problems with injecting Javascript into the page dynamically that we
> will have to work out before this is possible.
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 11:09 PM, Chen-Shan Chin <cschin at infoecho.net> wrote:
>> Hi, All, is it possible to let the backend python process to talk with some good javascript based visualization library running on a browser?  It that works, ipython will be a great tool for developing infovis.  Any comment on this?  I think I might try a little to whether it is feasible.  Or, is there something like that already?
>> --Jason Chin
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> Brian E. Granger
> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
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Bartosz Telenczuk

Institute for Theoretical Biology
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Phone: +4930/2093-8838
Homepage: http://neuroscience.telenczuk.pl

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