[IPython-dev] Comments on IPython Qt widgets

Charlie Sharpsteen source at sharpsteen.net
Sat Feb 12 15:16:26 EST 2011

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think there are two possible approaches:
> 1.  Still use the pyzmq interface through KernelManager and the
> SocketChannel objects, just use in process (threads) zeromq sockets.
> While complicated, this might be the best approach.  But, it might
> take some GUI event loop magic to get working (because you can't run
> anything in a thread.

The problem with ZMQ for me is that the shell still has poor responsiveness
when embedded in QGIS.  I still don't know if this problem is specific to
QGIS or would affect other C++ Qt applications that run embedded Python
interpreters.  I don't have another C++ app handy that does this to
cross-validate with.

I did some hacking over the week to try and work around the problem that
included: switching the ZmqSocketChannel to a subclass of QThread, tweaking
the thread run priorities, fiddling with the signal connections, and nothing
gave good results.  So, the problem could be:

   1. With the way QGIS handles threads controlled by Python
   2. With the way the ZeroMQ event loop behaves when embedded in a C++ app
   3. Other

I noticed that if I interact with the console window somehow, like twiddling
the scroll wheel, while it is waiting then a refresh occurs that brings in
the results from the external kernel.  Also, I wrote a quick example in pure
PyQGIS where Python is running the whole show and it is just as responsive
as `ipython-qtconsole`. So, I suspect explanation #1 is still the most
likely cause for this behavior.

I haven't heard anything back from the QGIS-dev mailing list yet, so the ZMQ
route is currently cold for me at this point.

2.  Get rid of the zeromq stuff entirely.  This is probably easier.
> To do this, I would check out the subclass of InteractiveShell in
> IPython.zmq.zmqshell.  It should be pretty easy to build a subclass of
> InteractiveShell that works, *but*, it leaves you without a GUI.

I also gave this a shot but creating a very primitive "kernel manager" that
ran an InteractiveShell inside an OutputTrap that was subclassed to also
redirect io.Term.  This worked fairly well and I was able to get something
working that was responsive in QGIS and supported tab-completion.  There
were two main difficulties I ran into going this route:

- The frontend widgets seem to know a lot about the backend implementation
which makes it difficult to create a new kernel manager that does something
different under the hood.

- The ZMQ kernel manager currently forms the base class for all kernel

It seems like it might be a good idea to:

- Create an ABC for kernel managers that defines everything a frontend
widget really needs to know in order to use them.

- Replace specific references in FrontendWidgets
like self.kernel_manager.xreq_channel.execute with something a little more
abstract such as self.kernel_manager.execute and let the kernel manager
worry about the details of which socket, channel, QSignal, etc is actually
carrying the message.

These are just my thoughts, and I reserve the right to be wrong :)

To summarize a bit of a rambling email: embedding an InteractiveShell has
proven to be a very promising route.  At this point, the main question I
have concerning this implementation is:

   - Is there a better way to set the stout/stderr streams of  kernel than
having the kernel manager run every call to "run_source" inside an

Final note: you guys are doing an awesome job with the rewrite, on the whole
it has been very easy to hack on IPython without breaking everything since
things are well componentized.


Min, Fernando or Evan, any thoughts on this?
> Cheers,
> Brian
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Charlie Sharpsteen
> <source at sharpsteen.net> wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply Brian,
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at gmail.com
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Charlie,
> >>
> >> > I was playing around with the new Qt  widgets in 0.11-dev the other
> day
> >> and
> >> > was very impressed.  I tried throwing together a quick plugin to add
> an
> >> > IPython console to the Qt-based program Quantum GIS [QGIS][1].
>  Creating
> >> the
> >> > plugin was easy enough as QGIS runs an embedded Python interpreter and
> >> > exposes a lot of PyQt4 functionality.  However, I noticed a couple of
> >> things
> >> > and was wondering if anyone on this list had any comments to share:
> >> >
> >> > - The shell is based on a stripped down version of `ipython-qtconsole`
> >> and
> >> > works but is very, very slow for some reason.  The is a delay of a
> >> > couple
> >> of
> >> > seconds between when an action is triggered and a response comes back
> to
> >> the
> >> > terminal.  The only guess I have that may explain this behavior is
> that
> >> QGIS
> >> > is a C++ application that embeds a Python interpreter whereas
> >> > ipython-qtconsole is a pure PyQt4 program.  Perhaps QGIS is not
> letting
> >> the
> >> > Python threads run as often as a pure PyQt4 program would.
> >> > This could be a QGIS-specific problem, but I was wondering if anyone
> >> > else
> >> > had the chance to run the IPython Qt widget in an embedded interpreter
> >> and
> >> > noticed similar results?
> >>
> >> In general the ipython-qtconsole should be quite fast.  But for that
> >> to be the case, the qt event loop has to be running.  If the C++ is
> >> not letting the qt event loop run often enough, you would definitely
> >> see quite slow behavior.
> >
> >
> > This is what I suspect, I would probably have to spend some quality time
> > with the C++ side of the code to be sure.
> >
> >
> >
> >> > - Currently, the only IPython kernel available for use with the Qt
> >> > widget
> >> > runs the IPython interpreter in a separate process.  For QGIS, it
> would
> >> be
> >> > very nice to have the option of running an IPython kernel inside the
> >> > same
> >> > process as the Qt widgets.  IPython would then have direct access to
> the
> >> > QGIS interface and would be able to inspect and operatie on the PyQt4
> >> > objects that compose the GUI providing a powerful tool for users
> >> performing
> >> > spatial analysis and developers building plugins.
> >> > Are there any plans to develop IPython kernels that do not run
> >> > in separate processes?  I spent a few days trying to build one myself
> by
> >> > wrapping an InteractiveShell, but I feel like I am flailing a little
> bit
> >> > when it comes to creating a kernel_manager that will integrate with
> the
> >> Qt
> >> > frontend.  If anyone has any design advice on how to implement an
> >> in-process
> >> > kernel I would love to hear it.
> >>
> >> There is interest in having an in process IPython, but I honestly
> >> think it will not work very well at all.  This is mostly because of
> >> the GIL.  I would simply turn the model inside out.  If you run the
> >> QGIS code that has all the PyQt widgets in the IPython kernel (start
> >> the kernel with the pyqt event loop running using --pylab qt) your
> >> ipython session will have all the access that it needs.  IOW, don't
> >> embed IPython in your app, embed your app in IPython.  If this model
> >> doesn't work for you, we can talk more about how to get started on an
> >> in process IPython widget, but it will be a significant amount of work
> >> I'm afraid.
> >
> >
> > The problem with embedding QGIS in IPython is that the main app is
> written
> > in C++ and `import qgis` only works out of the box on Linux---for Windows
> > and OS X it is a bit of a hassle to get paths set up right.  Many things
> are
> > wrapped via SIP and it is possible to run a lot of widgets from IPython
> but
> > the main windows are not so it is currently not possible to re-launch the
> > app under Python.
> >
> > QGIS currently includes a Python console that makes use of
> > code.InteractiveInterpreter from the standard library. This console it
> works
> > very well with the exception that I always find myself pounding on the
> tab
> > key in vain when I forget what I can do with a random Python object.
> >  Replacing the QGIS Python console with an IPython console would be
> awesome
> > and would cut out a lot of trips to the QGIS source code and various
> > reference manuals.
> >
> > If an in-process kernel could be implemented that shared the same
> interface
> > as the QtKernelManager, then users could easily be given the option of
> > launching an external process for tasks where the GIL would be a bother.
> >
> > I am willing to take a stab at developing an in-process widget but after
> > thrashing around a bit this weekend I feel like some guidance would help
> me
> > focus my efforts.
> >
> >
> >
> >> > The plugin is available on [GitHub][2] under the tag `0.1` if anyone
> >> feels
> >> > interested in checking it out as an IPython use case.  The 0.1 version
> >> > is
> >> > really quite simple---about 5-10 lines in console.py that do the
> actual
> >> > implementation.  To use:
> >> >   - Install QGIS
> >> >   - Clone project as a sub-directory of ~/.qgis/python/plugins/
> >> >   - Run `make` (runs PyQt4 dev tools on ui and qrc files)
> >> >   - Launch QGIS and enable Plugin through Plugins -> Manage Plugins
> menu
> >> >
> >> > Keep up the good work on IPython development!
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >> Brian
> >>
> >> > -Charlie
> >> > [1]: http://www.qgis.org
> >> > [2]: http://www.github.com/Sharpie/qgis-ipython/tree/0.1
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > IPython-dev mailing list
> >> > IPython-dev at scipy.org
> >> > http://mail.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/ipython-dev
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
> >> Assistant Professor of Physics
> >> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
> >> bgranger at calpoly.edu
> >> ellisonbg at gmail.com
> >>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > IPython-dev mailing list
> > IPython-dev at scipy.org
> > http://mail.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/ipython-dev
> >
> >
> --
> Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor of Physics
> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
> bgranger at calpoly.edu
> ellisonbg at gmail.com
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